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      肖德强,男,1989年12月出生于河南信阳,博士,2021年10月开始担任6163银河net163am预聘助理教授/特聘副研究员。长期在计算机辅助医疗领域从事教学和科研工作,主要研究方向包括计算机辅助介入/手术、医学图像处理、计算机视觉、机器/深度学习等方面。在IEEE TBME, Physics in Medicine & Biology, IEEE JBHI, Medical Physics, MICCAI 等国际期刊和会议发表论文 20余篇,其中第一作者论文10篇,多次受邀在国际计算机辅助介入及手术会议(CARS)上作口头报告。参与并完成多项省部级以上项目,授权发明专利4项。长期担任多个国际期刊及会议审稿人,包括 IEEE TMI, IEEE TBME, IEEE JBHI, MICCAI等。




    01. D. Xiao, C. Lian, L. Wang, H. Deng, H. Lin, K. Thung, J. Zhu, P. Yuan, L. Perez, J. Gateno, S. Shen, P. Yap, J. Xia, D. Shen. Estimating reference shape model for personalized surgical reconstruction of craniomaxillofacial defects. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2021. 68(2): 362-373. (Featured Article) (SCI JCR Q1, Top Journal)
    02. D. Xiao, C. Lian, H. Deng, T. Kuang, Q. Liu, L. Ma, D. Kim, Y. Lang, X. Chen, J. Gateno, S. Shen, J. Xia, P. Yap. Estimating reference bony shape model for orthognathic surgical planning using 3D point-cloud deep learning. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2021. 25(8): 2958-2966 (Featured Article) (SCI JCR Q1, Top Journal)
    03. D. Xiao, H. Deng, C. Lian, T. Kuang, Q. Liu, L. Ma, Y. Lang, X. Chen, D. Kim, J. Gateno, S. Shen, D. Shen, P. Yap, J. Xia. Unsupervised learning of reference bony shapes for orthognathic surgical planning with a surface deformation network. Medical Physics. 2021. DOI: 10.1002/mp.15126 (SCI JCR Q1, Top Journal)
    04. D. Xiao, Y. Li, H. Luo, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, H. Zheng, Q. Hu, F. Jia. In vivo comparison of two navigation systems for abdominal percutaneous needle intervention. Abdominal Radiology. 2017. 42(7): 1993-2000. (SCI JCR Q2)
    05. D. Xiao, H. Luo, F. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Guo, W. Cai, C. Fang, Y. Fan, H. Zheng, Q. Hu. A Kinect camera based navigation system for percutaneous abdominal puncture. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2016. 61(15): 5687-5705. (SCI JCR Q1, Top Journal)
    06. X. Chen, C. Lian, H. Deng, T. Kuang, H. Lin, D. Xiao, J. Gateno, D. Shen, J. Xia, P. Yap. Fast and accurate craniomaxillofacial landmark detection via 3D Faster R-CNN. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3099509
    07. H. Luo, D. Yin, S. Zhang, D. Xiao, B. He, F. Meng, Y. Zhang, W. Cai, S. He, W. Zhang, Q. Hu, H. Guo, S. Liang, S. Zhou, S. Liu, L. Sun, X. Guo, C. Fang, L. Liu, F. Jia. Augmented reality navigation for liver resection with a stereoscopic laparoscope. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2019. 187:105099.
    08. B. He, D. Xiao, Q. Hu, F. Jia. Automatic magnetic resonance image prostate segmentation based on adaptive feature learning probability boosting tree initialization and cnn-asm refinement. IEEE Access. 2018. 6: 2005-15.
    09. D. Xiao, H. Deng, T. Kuang, L. Ma, Q. Liu, X. Chen, C. Lian, Y. Lang, D. Kim, J. Gateno, S. Shen, P. Yap, J. Xia. A self-supervised deep framework for reference bony shape estimation in orthognathic surgical planning. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2021. pp. 469-477. (Top Conference)
    10. D. Xiao, L. Wang, H. Deng, K. Thung, J. Zhu, P. Yuan, Y. Rodrigues, L. Perez, C. Crecelius, J. Gateno, T. Kuang, S. Shen, D. Kim, D. Alfi, P. Yap, J. Xia, D. Shen. Estimating reference bony shape model for personalized surgical reconstruction of posttraumatic facial defects. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2019. pp. 327-335. (Top Conference)
    11. D. Xiao, Q. Hu, F. Jia. Statistical motion modeling with surface similarity maximization for respiration compensation in thoraco-abdominal radiotherapy. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS). 2017. 12(S1): 42-43.
    12. D. Xiao, F. Jia, H. Luo, H. Zheng, Q. Hu. A markerless registration method for neurosurgical navigation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS). 2014. 9(S1): 347-348.
    13. Y. Lang, H. Deng, D. Xiao, C. Lian, T. Kuang, J. Gateno, P. Yap, J. Xia. DLLNet: An attention-based deep learning method for dental landmark localization on high-resolution 3D digital dental models. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2021.
    14. L. Ma, D. Kim, C. Lian, D. Xiao, T. Kuang, Q. Liu, Y. Lang, H. Deng, J. Gateno, Y. Wu, E. Yang, M. Liebschner, J. Xia, P. Yap. Deep simulation of facial appearance changes following craniomaxillofacial bony movements in orthognathic surgical planning. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2021.
    15. Y. Lang, C. Lian, D. Xiao, H. Deng, P. Yuan, J. Gateno, S. Shen, D. Alfi, P. Yap, J. Xia, D. Shen. Automatic landmark localization using local attention-based graph convolution network from craniomaxillofacial CBCT images. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2020.
    16. C. Lian, F. Wang, H. Deng, L. Wang, D. Xiao, T. Kuang, H. Lin, J. Gateno, S. Shen, P. Yap, J. Xia, D. Shen. Multi-task dynamic transformer network for concurrent bone segmentation and large-scale landmark localization with dental CBCT. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2020.


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